Classroom Management Rewards

I'mmmmm back!!  This year has been so busy and flown by for me!  I have missed writing here and sharing the activities we are doing.  I posted most of them on IG, so follow me there for more!

Regarding classroom management - I do NOT like color charts at all!!!  I honestly can't stand them.  There is too much focus on what color they are on which I don't like everyone knowing that in the class.  What some student is working on is none of other classmate's business!  I feel like it focusing on the negative, and I wouldn't want my behavior up for display at a staff meeting.  Right??

At carpool- what is the first thing a parent asks... what color were you on?  Not- "how was your day?", "what did you learn?", or  "what was your favorite part of the day?"  I don't like that at all.

What works best for me?  I use a super improvers wall similar to the Whole Brain Teaching model.  I have cards for each student, and they move up in color as they improve academically or behaviorally.   This WORKS!!  We celebrate each other as they move up.  When there is improvement or a child or group of children are doing what they are supposed to be doing, they can earn a star on their card.  When they earn 10 stars, they move up to the next color/ level. 

When they move up to the next color, they get 10 jumps on the trampoline (BIG deal!).  They LOVE this reward.  I use this wall only for the first semester of school.  After Christmas (and sometimes a little before), I add in rewards that they can earn when they move up as well.  Rewards that can be earned are chewing gum in class (after lunch recess), bring a stuffed animal to school, lunch with me, swap jobs, sweet treat, etc.  

The favorite reward of all:  chewing gum!!  This is so funny to me.  I let them chew gum after lunch recess until time for specials (so basically for about 2 hours).  This is a hit!  

To choose their reward, I have a menu to see all the options, or they can get a card to use when they would like to redeem it.  I teach Kindergarten, so most want it right away!   I give them an award certificate which they can take home to show their parents they earned this and the reward they chose.  

Reward Cards menu 

 I also created whole class rewards because I love seeing them work together as a team!!
I use a warm fuzzy jar and fill it when I see the class walking nicely in hallways or everyone is staying on task or if I see kindness shown among them.  These inlcude activities and rewards for everyone in the class.  I love seeing them encourage each other to earn these rewards and celebrate as a class.
This is all on my TPT if you are interested in using these for your classroom!

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