Back to school- Here it comes!

How is it already August??  Time for Back to School??  I feel like this summer flew by!  This is always such a crazy time of year.  Getting all the appointments in, getting my kids ready for school, getting my classroom finished, all the things to do before school starts- kind of is EXHAUSTING!! 

In all the years of teaching and starting a new year, my biggest goal is teaching routines and procedures!  Classroom management is EVERYTHING!  And I do not remember having a class on that when I got my certification.  That for me was the hardest thing to learn and put into practice.  We spend the first 2 weeks learning and practicing routines and more practice and more practice.  Especially in Kindergarten!  It takes so much practice, but it is worth every second when everything begins to fall into place and runs on its own.  It is like heaven on earth!  :D

I will admit I spend a lot of time (and sometimes money) to get my room the way I want it.  It is my way to express myself, make it inviting and home for my school family, and create our happy place.  There are so many cute activities to do on the first days, but really - we never get it all done.  I tend to overprepare for the just in case moments, but it all comes down to routines, procedures, and getting to know each other. 

My job is to teach and prepare them for the next grade, but mostly - my job is to help them feel loved and know that they are loved.  That's what it's ALL about!!  I love teaching Kindergarten because this is their first year of school for most of them.  We get to set the foundation and help them LOVE learning!!!  We get to take them on adventures through books!  Nothing is more precious than seeing little faces eager and excited to see what will happen next!  We build relationships and teach them how to love one another and care for each other.  We help them see the world in a new, exciting way! 

So in all the hard work and preparations made-  a little one awaits the first day of school nervous and unsure of what it will be like.  What a gift we can give them by making them feel welcomed and assured that they are loved, and that we believe in them!  I want them to be excited to come to school.  So, Kindergarten, here we come!!! 

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