Meet the Teacher

Back to School is one of my favorite times of year!  I adore the summer, but I begin to feel ready for the routine and excitement that comes with going back to school.  In the past, I was always scrambling around trying to finish my room, going to all of the meetings, getting lesson plans for the first couple of weeks done, and preparing for Meet the Teacher.

Meet the Teacher was always SO busy, and I try to talk with each family, and everyone wants to ask me questions, and it just always seemed a little chaotic.  UNTIL... I began doing stations for Meet the Teacher.  My world (well, that day) completely changed!  I started doing this a couple of years ago, and it works so well.  It went so smoothly, and everyone had something to do while waiting to talk with me.

Here is how I do it...

I have 5-6 stations set up.  I created signs for each station, and put them in black 8X10 frames that I bought from $1 tree.  When you first walk in, I have a Welcome sign with a sign in sheet for them to write the child's name and parents.  Each sign has a number, so they know where to go next.
This helped so much because no one was just standing around or getting frustrated waiting to talk to me.

Station 1:  Pick up your student's packet and return on the 1st day of school.  In large envelopes, I put a packet which includes Student Information page, Getting to Know You, My About Me page, About the Student (for them to fill out), and a welcome letter to let them know all of the basics of our routines in Kindergarten (such as, our schedule, lunch, etc).  

 The Student Information page, Getting to Know You, and the About Me pages are all on my TPT.  You can click on the TPT icon to direct you to my store.  Here is the link...

These help so much in getting to know them a little bit at the beginning of school.  It also helps them learn more about me.

I have everyone's names on their envelope so it's easy to grab.

Station 2:  Write your name, the child's name, and address on the envelope and place it in the basket.
I have regular envelopes on the table, and then we can send them mail later in the year, or I can send a positive note after school starts.

Station 3: I use Bloomz app for any announcements, classroom updates, weekly "What are we learning" posts, and lots of pictures of what we are doing.  I absolutely LOVE it, and the parents do, too.  They can message me from the app, and they can even message other parents if you turn that feature on.  I have a form that I ask them to fill out that night, so I can add them all in to our classroom page.  The form is a permission slip to allow photos to be posted of their child, and they can write their best email address for the invite to the app to join.  It also tells them how to join the page.

Station 4:  Transportation:  How will your child get home the 1st day of school?
I have a sheet on the table so they can check off carpool or aftercare program.  This is so helpful instead of scrambling that day making sure they are where they are needed to be.  We don't use a bus, so those are our only options.  If someone else is picking them up, they let me know, also. 

Station 5:  Get your treat and give me a hug before you go!  
My FAVORITE station!!  I love making them little fun treats.  This year I have bubbles and Fun Dip.  I printed a label for each and signed my name on them.  I am in love with the bubbles- MAGIC bubbles!!!  Blow these bubbles before the 1st day for a magical year!  YES!!  I might blow them every day!  Teaching the littles is SO fun because you can blow them, and magically everyone has a smile!  These gift tags are also available on TPT if you are interested!   

 This year I will also give a QR code with these.  When they open it up, it will be me reading Kindergarten, Here I Come or The Night Before Kindergarten.  Stay tuned and I will post how I did it soon!!  Let me know if you have any questions on how to set up your stations.


Back to School Student information

How is it already almost time to start thinking about Back to School???  June went by SOOOOO fast!!!  I like to get some things that I can get done in July, so that I can spend more time with lesson plans and working on my classroom. 

On Meet the Teacher night, I send home a packet for parents to fill out at home and then return on the 1st day of school.  I like to have all of their information in a folder, so that I can easily refer to it as needed.  I also have them fill out a 1/2 sheet of student information for our emergency folder for drills, etc.  I print these on cardstock and put them all on a ring to keep them together. 


My parents will also fill out a page about getting to know the child.  I have questions like what do they like to do, what motivates them, and lets me know a little about their personality and what works for them.  This is so helpful for me to learn a little more about them and their family. 

 Meet the Teacher is always such a busy night, and you don't have much time with each family that day.  Sending this home also helps them have time to fill it out without having to do it all that night.  I have it all together in a large brown envelope with my welcome letter for Kindergarten, and a page about me. 

I will add another post soon all about how I do Meet the Teacher night using stations. 
This packet is available on my TPT to get you started. 


Class Mascot: Knuffle Bunny

One of my favorite things to do with my class is having a class mascot that goes home with a student each weekend.  They LOVE it!!!  I send home the book character mascot, a journal, and the book in a backpack.  I read the book to the class before I begin sending it home.  Last year I used Knuffle Bunny.  It was always a HUGE deal to see who gets Knuffle Bunny each weekend. 
I randonmly draw names on popsicle sticks each Friday to see who gets to take him home.  They take the backpack home on Friday and return it on Monday.  Inside the journal, I add a letter about how to care for the backpack and Knuffle Bunny and instructions.  The journal is used to put pictures or draw about their time together with their family.  They also write all about what they did with Knuffle Bunny.  On Monday, they will share all about their weekend and show everyone the journal.  It is SO cute to see what they did and how much fun they had.

I love that it builds a feeling of community as well within our class.  When the journal goes home, everyone can see what others have done with their time with Knuffle Bunny.

You can find the instruction page and a log in my TPT, and it's FREE!!   I glue the instructions on the cover of the journal.  I can't wait to do this again next year.  I am still deciding if I want to do Knuffle Bunny again or Biscuit.